and that it was all about to come to a close. I soon blasted out the airlock and began thinking of my next big game. There are SO many long games on the Xbox One I thought I would gather them up for you and I to decide.
The follow ‘times’ are based on the average game time from and include completing the main story and some addition quests/medals/unlockables. These times are not based on a completionists play-through or a with all the additional DLC available.
Witcher: Wild hunt
63 hrs to 300 hours
Roam the vast open world of Northern Realms as the feared (and desired) monster hunter Garrick, in this fantastic third person adventure game with stunning visuals and engrossing story. It will be a few hundred hours well spent.
Dragon Age Inquisition
84.5 Hours
The third instalment of the Dragon Age saga that looks fantastic and has plenty of quests to keep you busy for well over 80 hours.
Borderlands 2
82 Hours
So much to see and do on the planet of Pandora. Meet new people, make friends, but mostly shoot the numbers out of them. A cool 80 hour epic to keep any FPS fan happy.
Dark Souls 2
63 Hours
This game hates you, it hates your family and hates everything about you. This is torture in a box and yet it is strangely addictive, if a ‘touch’ frustrating.
Forza Motorsport 5
69 Hours
For the petrol-heads amongst us, you can get spend almost 70 hours building up your car collection and racing in an array of locations across the world. Lush graphics and accurate handling make this a must for any racing fans.
43 hours
Whilst a leisurely play through the main game can take up to 40 hours, most tend to spend days roaming the city, playing online and now taking part in online heists.
43 Hours
This time travelling hack-and-slash that sees you pitch your warrior-might against entire armies (of clones)… That that is no small job, so expect to spend around 43 hours on it. the battlefields are vast and the enemies aplenty but with some button mashing and some strategic specials they will all bow before you.
Halo: The Master Chief Collection
40+ Hours
With four full games and ODST for the early adopters, this game takes over 40 hours to work through. However, being Master Chief is so much fun this time will fly by.
Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag
38 Hours
Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag is the first AAA title to be given away free on the Xbox Games with Gold initiative, and is one of the best in the series. The gameplay is varied and you are sure to get a kick out of all the sailing about. The game is full of both story missions and side quests and if you don’t stray too far from the main story you can expect to put in almost 40 hours to complete it.
33 Hours
Watch_dogs was a victim of its own hype. The pre-release E3 footage looked amazing, the timed releases made it sound like the perfect game, but ultimately the final product was full of bugs, had downgraded graphics and had lots of content behind DLC or tied up with commercial agreements. However, if you disregard all of the hype, it’s actually a full game with a decent story and plenty to do. The side quests might be plentiful, but don’t let them distract you too much.
Metro Redux Bundle (Last Light & 2033)
30 Hours
The Metro games are based on a highly successful science fiction novel by Russian author Dmitry Glukovsky so expect a deep and compelling narrative. The game see’s you exploring the Moscow city Metro in a post apocalyptic Russia. Its dark, is grimy and full of mutants.
The Under 30’s
Assassin’s Creed Unity
28 Hours
Sadly, I can’t think of this game without seeing some creature with floating eyeballs and crazy hair. The early bugs that dominated the games release dented it’s original launch, but for those that enjoyed the game and had little or no experience of the bugs, the game was both fun and substantial.
Dying Light
27 Hours
Techland has done a fabulous job of creating a detailed city full of slums, ornate buildings and hundreds of zombies, marauders, and survivors. The main story is simple yet engaging and when the sun goes down, you can expect to empty your bowels. The melee combat is satisfying and the parkour is fantastic, when you finally get used to the controls.
Far Cry 4
27 Hours
Fancy going ferrel in the mountains of Kyratt? FarCry 4 see’s you skinning wild animals and taking down the a corrupt dictator who seems to know all about you. And all you wanted to do was spread your mothers ashes…
Alien Isolation
24 Hours (but has another hour of extras)
This is such as great game, but it can be terrifying, so expect to spend a lot of time hiding under tables and in lockers. I really like this game but I can’t bring myself to say I enjoyed it, as it was 24 hours in a fully stressed out state, as I moved around the near-abandoned space station.
Lords of the Fallen
23 Hours
Lords of the Fallen is a hardcore action-RPG featuring an advanced combat systems and robust class skill trees. Set in a richly created fantasy world where the Gods have failed mankind, players will take on the role of a human named Harkyn, who sets out on a quest to stand against an apparently unstoppable supernatural force. At 23 hours, it takes much less time than Dark Souls 2 but is sadly no where near as good.
23 Hours
Around 20 hours will just cover the tip of the iceberg. After 20 hours you will have just reached level 30 and be ready for the ongoing slog that is Destiny. The shooting mechanics are sweet and the headshot showers and constant loot is as addictive as any fruit machine.
Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition
23 Hours
This surprise hit from 2012 has been lovingly remastered for the Xbox One. This GTA style open-world action adventure game is packed full of collectibles should you want to play longer than the average 23 hours, so if you never played the original this is well worth a day of your time.
Dead Rising 3
22 Hours
This exclusive launched title showcased the power the Xbox One, showing hundreds of independent zombies roaming the streets of Los Perdidos in California. The aesthetic is dark, but it’s not short of lighter moments, as you face crazy psychopaths, craft ridiculous weapons and insane vehicles. The main story with a few side quests will set you back around 22 hours
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor
21 Hours
Another surprise hit, this time from 2014. In the shadow of Mordor you play a Ranger by the name of Talion, who seeks revenge on the forces of Sauron after his family (including his wife and child) are killed. At 21 hours, this is actually a really fun game. The nemesis mechanic is unique and interesting, and see’s previously vanquished foes return to exact their revenge at later parts of the game.
21 Hours
Fancy sneaking about for 21 hours, then Thief is for you. Thief is a stealth video game developed by Eidos Montreal. You control Garrett, a master thief, as he goes about a series of engaging missions, most of which are focused around stealing from the rich. Some are more interesting than others and fans of the original might be a little disappointed as the overall experience was decidedly average.
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