Game Graphic Starter Pack
Platform Game Pack 1 – $50
Chest – open/closed (128)
Propeller- (256, 512)
Button On/off (64)
Balloons -blue, orange, pink, red
Clouds x 3 (168×64)
Coin -Animated Spinning (64)
Star – animated Spinning (64)
Columns x4 – 2x grey / 2x cream (100)
Axe (64, 128)
Knife (64, 128)
Barrel (64, 128)
Crystal Heart (64, 128)
Padlock (64, 128)
Medical kit (64, 128)
Key (64, 128)
Vase (64, 128)
Hook (64, 128)
Bowling Ball (64)
Metal Ladder (64, 128)
Rope Ladder (64, 128)
Wood Ladder (64, 128)
Metal Lever (96)
Wood Lever (96)
Metal Switch – up/down (64)
Wood Switch – up/down (64)
Green Pipe – top and middle (96)
Bushes x2 (128
Door (128)
Garden Fence (128)
Corral Fence (128)
Flame Torch with Glow (128)
Rock – small (64)
Rock – Large (100)
Tree Top Tiles x9 (64)
Wooden Signs x4 -left, right, up, down (64)
Modern Signs x4 -left, right, up, down (64)
Spikes – animated popping out (128)
Spring x 4 – animated expanding (128)
Beanstalk – Repeating tile (128)
Cactus x2 (128)
Palm Tree x 2 (128)
Tree x 3 (128)
Brown block – tile (64)
Brown bricks – tile (64)
Brown Rock – tile (64)
Grey Brick – tile (64)
Ice Block – tile (64)
Lava Block – tile (64)
Red Brick – tile (64)
Mud Brick – tile (64)
Metal Panel – tile (64)
Metal Grill – tile (64)
Hazard block – tile (64)
Girder Block – tile (64)
Tree trunk – tile (64)
Mystery block – tile (64)
Mystery block – used – tile (64)
Crate – tile (64)
Brown Platform top (512, 256, 128, 64)
Brick Platform top (512, 256, 128, 64)
Green Platform top (512, 256, 128, 64)
Red Platform top (512, 256, 128, 64)
Black Platform top (512, 256, 128, 64)
All files are in PNG format sized with resolution in mind (e.g. 128 x 64) so that there will be no split pixels and all are a decent size.
The regular license allows you to use an item within a project of your own or on behalf of a client. For example, you could use an item purchased under a regular license in a website, a presentation, a promotional video, a poster or game.
The main thing you cannot do is offer the item up for resale either on its own or as part of a project (e.g sell the template).
In Short:
In most cases, you will recieve an email within 30 minutes of purchase, however, please allow up to 48hrs for delivery due to the timezones. The zip files is 3mb and will be sent to your paypal email address unless specified in the comments section of your purchase.
Want the editable files?
Email me and I will give you the cost for the editable files