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Benefits of Renting Minecraft Server

Minecraft was released in 2011 by Mojang Studios. It’s a sandbox 3D game that continues to trend and gain more players as the years roll over. In 2023, the number of Minecraft players reached and exceeded 180 million. It lets you build, interact, and explore 3D structures.

You can be a solo player or multiplayer. Multiplayer allows you to play with close friends or international players. You can experience this by hosting or renting a Minecraft server, but we recommend the latter.

In this piece, we explore the benefits of renting a Minecraft server, what to consider before renting one, and how you can rent it. 

Why You Should Rent a Minecraft Server?

You can play Minecraft for free on your computer as a solo player. Multiplayer options include hosting a local server on your computer and hosting it online (renting). The latter benefits more than playing for free or hosting a local server. 

Benefits of renting a Minecraft server include:

It Costs Less

Hosting a server may seem like a good idea initially, but it’s expensive. You have to run your computer 24/7. It consumes a lot of electricity, costing you around $650 annually. However, there are affordable hosting providers like ScalaCube that offer hosting a Minecraft server for as low as $2 per month. 

You Have Full Control Over Gameplay


You gain complete control over game rules. This means that you can adjust game settings to your liking. You can do this through in-game settings like adjusting resources, health, and damage. On top of that, you can enhance game difficulty and add creativity to game modes by creating new challenges.

It Has Low Latency and Allows Fast Connectivity

Compared to hosting, renting a Minecraft server allows you to play smoothly. It’ll enable fast connectivity speeds, and you won’t be distracted by buffering while playing. However, hosting a local server while relying on an internet service provider can result in a slow connectivity speed. 

You can barely enjoy the game with low speeds due to constant “loading” distractions. This also uses a lot of bandwidth. As a result, you won’t be able to use your internet for anything besides hosting the Minecraft server and playing the game.

You Can Host More Players

Renting a Minecraft server means accessing a robust hardware machine that hosts many other players. It’s solely used to host the Minecraft game, so there’s no competition for its resources. As a result, there’s reduced lag and smoother gameplay for each hosted player.

It’s Available 24/7

As mentioned above, hosting a server means your computer has to be on 24/7. If it goes off for some reason, then you’ll find no players when you turn it on. You’ll have to start afresh with getting players back into gameplay. 

When renting a server, on the other hand, its operation isn’t affected by you switching off your computer. It continues to run from the hosting service you’re renting, and you’ll find it running when you turn your computer on to return to the game.

Things to Consider When Renting a Minecraft Server

It’s essential to do your research before renting a Minecraft server. Like anything you spend your money on, it must work in your favor by covering most of what you’re looking for. These are the elements to consider when searching for a good Minecraft server:

Its Performance

The best Minecraft server service platforms are transparent about performance. This is made up of the RAM, CPU, and Bandwidth. These can determine whether you’ll have hiccups or smooth gameplay while renting the server.

RAM is Random Access Memory and influences the quantity of data the server can handle at once. It’s affected by the amount of players a server hosts. With enough RAM, you can load game elements quickly and have fewer lags or delays. So, it should be 2GB for one to two players, 5GB for two to six players, and 8GB for more than six players, and so on.

CPU stands for Central Processing Unit. It allows a quick navigation of game features, processes player actions fast, and the ability to use various game technologies simultaneously. It must be at least 2GHz or more for decent performance.

Bandwidth handles the transmission of data between the server and players. High bandwidth enables quick responsiveness and lower latency, allowing data to move swiftly between the parties. It should be at least 45 Mbit/s for six or more players.

The Costs

The rental cost of a Minecraft server varies with different providers. Prices are affected by the standard of the server and the resources that come with it. Some servers allow you to customize your servers to adjust their features to what you can afford. Others come with various tiers containing specific attributes that determine the price.

Most providers have monthly and annual billing plans. Annual billing plans are cost-effective and usually come with a discount. So, opting for an annual plan means you won’t have to worry about paying for a while and pay less than you’d have if you had opted for a monthly plan.

Customer Support

Check if the Minecraft server provider offers support. Ideally, this should be available 24/7 with quick, accurate responses that won’t distract or delay your gameplay.

How to Rent A Minecraft Server

Are you ready to rent a Minecraft server but aren’t sure how? Follow our steps below:

  1. Choose a Provider

Use the above qualities to choose a good Minecraft server provider.

  1. Select a Plan

You’ll find different plans with different features and prices. So, ensure you select the package that addresses your needs and is within your budget.

  1. Set Up the Server

To set up your Minecraft server, you have to:

  • Sign in to the provider’s site and navigate to the dashboard.
  • Install the Minecraft server.
  • Customize server settings, i.e., mode and difficulty.
  • Ensure that the server is accessible to other players before starting it.
  • Try connecting to the server on Minecraft to see if it’s working.
  • Let friends and other fellow players know about the server and how they can join it.

In Closing

Renting a Minecraft server is more beneficial than hosting one in many ways. It costs less and doesn’t need you to ensure your computer runs 24/7 to keep players who’ve joined worldwide. On top of that, you have control over gameplay, and you can choose a package with the player capacity you’re looking for.

You also won’t have to worry about connectivity speed, data processing, and transmission, as most providers ensure seamless gameplay by taking care of their performance elements.

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