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Xbox One or PS4 – Lets hear from the ladies 2

The newest generation of gaming is almost out in the Xbox One and the PS4. Both consoles will be out by the end of the year (just in time for Christmas of course.) Over 75 million units of the PS3 and the Xbox One have been sold to date, with numbers like that, the new models are sure to make an impact. Few of us have the luxury of purchasing both consoles, so now the next big question is, which one should be on your Christmas list?


From a woman’s perspective, making this decision might be a bit more logical than a man’s. The first question I’d ask when deciding what console to buy is: How much does each unit cost? The Xbox One is priced at over $100 more than the PS4 (due to the fact that the Xbox has an advanced, Kinect sensor) but right away, I’m in favor of the PS4.



From previous experience, I prefer Sony’s operating system and controllers to the Kinect sensor on the Xbox. While that may be unfair since the Kinect sensor is equipped with all new technology this time around, but I’m a control freak. I like the knowledge that I control the game in the palm of my hands with the PS4 controller rather than through the sensor.



The games that both consoles present as exclusives aren’t extremely enticing to me and really don’t sway me either way, I think it’s more about the overall presentation of both units. Each unit does have a number of exclusive games and some interesting trailers so for serious gamers, that could be the deciding factor. One thing I don’t like is the lack of internet features on the PS4, I’m taking online classes and I want to be able to browse some websites on my gaming unit.



Not to be a total girl, but the appearance of the console is important to me. This hardware is going to be part of my house and the last thing I want is an ugly unit taking up space. I like that both consoles this time around are black and have a sleek design. The previous white Xbox 360 gets dirty easily and sticks out like a sore thumb.

Overall Vote

With all of these different elements factored in, I’d have to go with the PS4 for my number one choice this holiday season. Judging by the price, the looks, the games and the overall appearance of the consoles, it just appeals to me more than the Xbox One. That’s not to say I couldn’t be persuaded otherwise or would be against the Xbox One, but for now, I’m sticking with Sony.

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