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Review: Figment | Xbox

Figment is a game that immerses players into a surreal and hand-painted world, akin to a Salvador Dali painting come to life. The game starts off with a car crash, heard but not seen, that sets the stage for a journey through the mind of a retired hero, Dusty. When Piper, an energetic bird, comes to ask for his help in restoring the courage that has been lost in the mind, Dusty sets off on an adventure to get his stolen scrapbook back and save the day once again.


The visuals in Figment are nothing short of stunning, with each level and creature being uniquely hand-painted and colorful. The game’s sound design is equally impressive, with every trumpet flower and bug bridge having its own set of sounds and noises. The background music is ethereal and happy, fitting the game’s aesthetic perfectly. The game’s boss battles take it to a whole new level by turning into full-fledged musical numbers, with the bosses singing before battle.

As Dusty and Piper journey through the game, they explore both sides of the brain, solving puzzles along the way. The puzzles in Figment are a mix of logic and sequence-based puzzles that require the player to use objects to activate other objects and open areas. It’s best to play the game in large chunks, as taking extended breaks in the middle of a sequence may cause confusion.


While replayability may be limited, players can go back to collect various “Remembranes” and other collectibles. After a five-hour playtime, I was happy to have enjoyed the story and the game’s charm. Figment may not have the same level of action as other games in the genre, but its pace and gentleness make it a great experience for younger players.


Overall, Figment is a masterclass in subtlety and style, with its colorful characters, quirky puzzles, and surreal level design all supporting the game’s central theme of being inside a child’s mind. Another knockout game from Bedtime Games, Figment is a must-play for anyone looking for a unique and visually stunning experience.



Figment Review on Xbox

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