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Popular Action Games Around The World

Although numerous categories are available, action games are arguably the most popular types of video games worldwide. The genre spans arcade-style titles like Tekken to first-person-shooters such as Call of Duty. EA’s series of wrestling and MMA games is yet another facet of this incredibly varied game genre. Everybody will have their ultimate preferences, and it’s interesting to see how this changes around the world.

For example, a 2019 survey on Mexican children’s top gaming genres found that Mexican children prefer wrestling or fighting games. On the other hand, American and British gamers vote overwhelmingly for FPS titles like Call of Duty or Fortnite. Popular action games differ worldwide for various reasons, particularly due to cultural differences and game availability. Keep reading for an exploration of popular action games around the world.

Different Types of Action Games

It’s worth clarifying the different categories before exploring the most popular action games worldwide. The term “action” means different things depending on who you talk to, although there is a core group of action game subgenres to consider:

  • First-person-shooter: Often abbreviated to FPS, first-person-shooter titles are war-inspired games where players control a character in first-person view. Famous examples include Fortnite or Battlefield.
  • Wrestling/fighting: Wrestling and fighting games take sports like MMA as vital inspiration. These games have become more advanced over the last few years as developers find ways to make grappling and special moves more realistic.
  • Arcade-style: Some of the earliest action games were Tekken and Street Fighter. These 2D titles were all the rage in arcade halls before making the jump to modern consoles like the Playstation or Xbox.
  • Adventure: Not all adventure games are full of action, but some of the most popular certainly air. Titles like Red Dead Redemption or Skyrim are packed with action sequences accompanying the various quests, missions, and explorations.

Most Popular Action Titles

Choosing the most popular shooting games or action-adventure titles is tricky. There are so many exceptional games out there, so it’s difficult to whittle them down to just a few. You can find a few of our favorite choices below:

  • Red Dead Redemption 2: Rockstar Games made several remarkable improvements in this Red Dead Redemption sequel. The game map is unbelievably huge, rendered with jaw-dropping HD graphics. However, the best update is the improved shooting engine. It makes for some nail-bitingly tense shootouts, resulting in a truly brilliant action game.
  • Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: First-person-shooters owe a lot to the Call of Duty franchise. The series of games was the first to offer players a fully functioning online multiplayer mode. In the last decade and a half, it has become the most popular shooting game in the world.
  • Fortnite: Fortnite essentially invented a whole new “Battle Royale” genre a few years ago. Gamers couldn’t get enough of the straightforward premise: battle against up to 30 different people on an island while picking up new guns and building structures to help you survive.

How Action Game Preferences Differ Across The World

How much do action game preferences differ across the world? As it turns out, quite a lot. For example, action games in the US are almost exclusively dominated by first-person shooters like Call of Duty or Battlefield. If they aren’t traditional FPS games, US players will enjoy adventure action games like Grand Theft Auto. Unlike in neighboring Mexico, there isn’t a huge market for sports action games like MMA.

Elsewhere, New Zealanders love a broad mix of action games, mainly focusing on FPS titles and adventure games. However, these aren’t the only popular games. In fact, Kiwis tend to prefer non-action games like FIFA or their beloved pokies. Slots, in particular, are prevalent in New Zealand, and it’s clear to see why with the quality of bonus features and game mechanics. The best casino bonuses in the country are generous as well, so Kiwis enjoy various deposit matches and other bonuses. Players are treated to offerings, including free spins and generous bonus funds. Of course, with a country of such sporting excellence, most New Zealanders love sports games just as much as action titles. Regardless of where you are in the world, there is an action game for everyone!




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